Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

It seems only fitting to post something about this very green holiday today.  So here are some facts you may not know about St. Patrick's Day.

- I just overheard that people eat Green Mashed Potatoes on this holiday, I've never heard of eating green mashed potatoes

- It is a holiday to celebrate Irish culture

- It is a traditional holiday for spiritual renewal

- Saint Patrick is credited for bringing Christianity to Ireland

- Saint Patrick is most commonly know for driving snakes from Ireland

- Below is a stained glass window from  a church in Dublin that portrays Saint Patrick

(Here is a website dedicated to St. Patrick's Day if you'd like to find out some more interesting facts )



  1. Yeah I knew all of this I'm kind of a genius.

  2. Well then I am just grateful that a genius is reading my blog.
