Monday, June 8, 2015

Book Review: The Lunar Chronicles #3 "Cress"

I recently finished the third book in "The Lunar Chronicles" series, Cress.

I don't want to give spoilers away so I will be vague.  This book does a great job of weaving a third new storyline to the existing storylines of books one and two.   All of the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place.  The importance and relevance of each character is revealed throughout the book, and some of them are very surprising.  The ending to the book will make your jaw drop!  Then again, the endings in the first two books did that as well. There was a part of the book that was a bit slow, but otherwise the book was fast paced and engaging throughout. 

Marissa Meyer does a great job of flipping the fairy tales we all know and love on their heads and creating great new pieces of literature.  I highly recommend this series to anyone interested in fantasy, sci-fi, or romance. 

I want to give a Shout Out to one of my readers, Jon. 

Tweet me @chelseabug18 if you want a Shout Out.  Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 1, 2015

A New Opportunity

I found this new website a couple of days ago and it is a really interesting find.  It is a website that provides goods and services, starting at five dollars, from independent sellers.  For example, I started selling my writing skills on this website.  I have a few different service options, and I offer extras if you want them.  I would also be willing to negotiate for other writing related services. 

So go ahead and check out my profile!  There are a lot of other great services offered by fiverr sellers on the website as well.