I went to my first wedding this past weekend. It was very exciting, there were a lot of things that I didn't know happened. For example the man who catches the garter has to put it on the girl who catches the bouquet's leg. Well I caught the bouquet without knowing this first. You can imagine my surprise. Luckily it was a friend of mine who caught the garter (to the left is a picture of right before he put the garter on me).
Also, nowadays the groom takes the bride's garter off with his teeth. This was very amusing to watch and came with a lot of hooting and hollering. Also, I didn't know that the music that the wedding party walks down the isle to is not the wedding march, it is other music, it is only the bride who walks to the wedding march.
Recently, many people have started having a small cake and a lot of cupcakes for the reception rather than the traditional big layered wedding cake (below to the left is a picture of one of the cupcakes as well).

There is a new type of centerpiece they used at the wedding as well, its a flower submerged in water in a vase with a flowing candle on top (pictured below). I really liked this, I've seen it all over Pinterest, I just think that it is very pretty. Unfortunately in the picture our candles had blown out, but its still very pretty. There was also a large candle lit with the two vases of flowers. It was very pretty.
It was a new and exciting experience.